Coalition Canadienne pour la Protection des Animaux de Ferme

Coalition Canadienne pour la Protection des Animaux de Ferme

Améliorer la vie des animaux d'élevage depuis 2005

Sow Stalls

Visit our Sow Stall page for more information about alternatives.

Battery Cages –

visit also Visit our “Battery Cage” page to find out about other ways you can help hens.

Horse Slaughter

Contact your MP to let him/her know you oppose the slaughter of horses for consumption and that you support a ban on this practice in Canada. Click here to find your MP.


Sign-up for our newsletter to receive updates and information about ways you can help farm animals.

Soutenez notre travail

It takes time and money to advocate for farm animals. CCFA is a volunteer-run organization. Please go to our donations page to see the alternative ways to contribute to CCFA.
